bcmubx2101 – Magnetocaloric effect in Heusler type Ni Mn Co X (X= Ga,Sn ) MetaMSMAs in melt spun ribbons and development of printable ink for screen printing



Solid-state refrigeration is considered as a promising alternative to the less efficient conventional gas-compression-expansion refrigeration. Particularly, magnetocaloric (MC) cooling is the most elaborated today method of solid state refrigeration and development of the suitable MC materials is in the core of this field of research. The aim of the present work was to investigate MC materials based on the Heusler type NiCoMnSn metamagnetic shape memory alloys (MetaMSMAs) and explore their potential application for the solid state cooling on macro- and microscales. The alloy composition, facilitating the martensitic transformation near room temperature with low thermal hysteresis, was elaborated. The actual alloy was fabricated by the induction method and casting. The ingot was solution treated at 900℃ for two hours. Part of the ingot was used to prepare melt-spun ribbons which, in turn, served for easy manufacturing a powder by grinding. The material on each stage was heat treated and characterized magnetically and structurally. MC effect was measured by the magnetic field induced adiabatic temperature change (ΔTad). The powder of MetaMSMA was used for room temperature additive manufacturing. As a result, a printable ink exhibiting inverse MC effect (ΔTad about 2K in the field of 2T) was created for the first time. The technology now can be used for 2D printing of cooling microdevices for flexible electronics.


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